
Cor Jesu non-public 9-year school is managed by the Congregation of the Apostolic Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, based in Rome.

The regulations returned to Albania on January 1, 1992, and two mission centers were opened in Tirana and Dajc (Zadrime), where the “Mother Klelia Merloni” kindergarten was opened in 1994.

In 1996, they arrived in Shkodra, a well-known Albanian Catholic city where they continue to operate today. 21 years later, the school and kindergarten are administered by local nuns and lay personnel, and thanks to the activity of many donors, it has been able to move forward with this valuable work for children and adolescents from different areas of the country. The “Cor Jesu” school, with its educational values, has touched not only the hearts of many children but also those of their families.

Our project is a consolidated, rooted initiative, supported by extensive experience that has always accompanied the child in all aspects of their development.

We are known in the educational community for our unique and innovative teaching method, which is also part of Catholic education. A method that was born from the teachings of Blessed Clelia Merloni (1892-1977) and evolved over time and to meet the needs of our students.

Our educational project aims at the harmonious growth of the child from the earliest stages of their contact with the outside world. We respect and value the originality of the growth process of each child.


Cor Jesu ensures physical and emotional well-being through emergency response procedures, safety measures, and policies against bullying.

Professional Staff

A skilled and dedicated team of administrators, teachers, and support staff who are committed to the development and creation of a positive learning environment.

Contemporary premises

The school provides resources to support modern learning approaches, including technology, flexible spaces, sports facilities, and more.

Our Teachers

Pader Mikel Pllumbaj
Moter Vida Gjoni
Legal Representative
Rite Guri
Brigjilda Turkaj
Çiljeta Gjergji
Emirjona Pashaj
Ersa Nikshiqi
Florjan Frroku
Leonora Mjeda
Majlinda Topalli
Kristjana Huba
Ivana Vasa
Aida Uligaj
Iva Hoti
Paula Kiri
Pranvera Lekaj
Vjollca Gazulli
Paskal Maka
Enkeleida Marku
Margerita Nikaj

Teaching methods

Folktales, myths, and the life of nature accompany children’s growth. Myths arise from a deep human need to answer big questions about the origin of the universe and humanity: they belong to the collective heritage of peoples and often, despite being elaborated by geographically distant peoples from each other, they show extraordinary similarities.

The images we show work according to analogy and allow the child to recognize their important inspiration in the growth process.

In myth or tale, the child follows the hero figure, the obstacles encountered in achieving a common good, and experiences the joy of overcoming them.

Fairy tales and myths are able to communicate with the magical world of children composed of feelings and emotions. The teacher does not only give explanations, but through storytelling, depending on the age, she leads them to animation, pictorial production, listening to suitable musical pieces, which can support those who face the world and need help to understand it.

Therefore, the originality of the growth process of each child is for us the reference point for modulating the timing and rhythms of programming teaching.

Human values are potentially present in the child: the educator’s task is to create ideal conditions for him to express and realize them in the social-cultural context of the class.

In accordance with H. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, Cor Jesu recognizes the emotions and relationships that have an equal value to that of pure knowledge:

The stimulation of emotional intelligence (P. Salovey and J.D. Mayer), together with those of logical-mathematical, linguistic and creative intelligence, has resulted in being essential for the formation of complete, deep and self-aware individuals.

Relationships with families and collegial bodies.

The educational alliance between the school and families supports the child’s growth.

During class assemblies, teachers share educational phases and class life with families. The school is open to parents’ contributions, who besides taking up appropriate positions in collegiate bodies (School Council, class representatives), participate in organizing common events (such as school celebrations and open days), follow important aspects of activities, and can be involved after planning with the class teachers. Class representatives (1 for each class) are elected by the children themselves at the beginning of each school year.

Individual conversations between families and teachers allow them to focus on the child’s educational path and get to know them as a whole, develop projects that support and strengthen them.

Meetings on educational and cultural issues are an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss and dialogue.

The School Board consists of 12 members (1 teacher, 9 class representatives, 1 representative of the administrative staff, and the board chairman). The School Board has the competence to decide on the organization and planning of school life and activities (school calendar, criteria for planning life and implementing tours with a guide, educational trips, and extracurricular activities).

The School Senate is composed only of students from the 5th to the 9th grade (2 per class) and has one teacher as an advisor and a chairman selected by the students themselves. The Senate meets once a month to discuss various issues.