Quality and Safety

The school respects all safety, health, and quality regulations and is dedicated to maintaining high standards every day.

Primary School / 9-Year School

Cor Jesu school re-discovers the study subjects as a creative way to gain knowledge. The educational and cultural proposal aims at increasing the uniqueness of each child while creating a group within which they can learn the rules of coexistence and respect. In this sense, the characteristics of each student and the encouragement of their personal growth become tools in the service of the class-group.

The importance of educational activities in daily school life through social tasks requires the ability to organize time, establish rhythms, and a sense of responsibility.

Every year, teachers develop new educational and didactic projects that respond in a targeted manner to the needs of the classes and, in general, in full compliance with ministerial guidelines.

The school schedule is structured in such a way as to allow a correct alternation of teaching and experimental work.

The school schedule runs from 8:00 am to 1:15 pm, from Monday to Friday (recreational breaks are divided into two times). Each class is assigned a caretaker teacher who works always in the presence of the students, guaranteeing the development of personalized study plans and implementing the new indications that come from the school reform in all its characteristics.

The caretaker teacher, as class coordinator, is responsible for teaching and managing the class.

Cor Jesu entrusts specialized teachers with teaching English, Italian, music, theater, and sports activities.

Starting from kindergarten, theater lessons are included in the program for both semesters. In fact, theater performed at a young age allows for the harmonious development of children’s personalities. It allows them to express their tendencies by experiencing emotions, on a self-discovery and relationship path with the Other.

Welcome Back Party!

How wonderful to meet again! The school year is officially inaugurated through the establishment of the class group: old and new friends, teachers, and parents gather together and, by collaborating to achieve a common goal (related to a specific theme for each class), rebuild their group.

Autumn and Spring Festivals

In November and May, the students of Cor Jesu, along with their families and teachers, get ready to experience together a “special” day that strengthens the sense of belonging to the school community.

The children’s choir, games, market, and prize draw enliven the festivals that have always been an opportunity to rediscover the meaning and desire to be together, to feel part of a project that sees everyone involved in a single, ambitious experience of shared growth.

In the days leading up to the festivals, the children prepare delicious food with the help of their parents to sell at the market, which is themed differently every year.

The market also sells a yearly calendar, shirts, hoodies, and pants with the school logo, books, and plants.

The proceeds from the market and prize draw go to Cor Jesu School, which financially supports the teachers’ and management’s projects, in accordance with its statutes.

Blessed Clelia Merloni fest day (November 20th)

On November 29th, Cor Jesu celebrates the feast day of their founder, Blessed Clelia Merloni. This day is an opportunity for students, teachers, and parents to come together to remember the legacy of Clelia Merloni and to reflect on the values of faith, hope, and charity that she instilled in the school community.

Christmas celebration

Christmas is a special time at Cor Jesu, where the school community comes together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The school is decorated with lights and festive decorations, and students participate in a variety of activities and performances to celebrate the holiday season.

Carnival celebration

The Carnival celebration at Cor Jesu is a time for students to dress up in costumes and enjoy a day of fun and games. The school is decorated with bright colors and festive decorations, and students participate in a variety of activities and performances to celebrate the spirit of Carnival.

June 1st celebration

On June 1st, Cor Jesu celebrates International Children’s Day, a day dedicated to promoting the well-being and rights of children around the world. Students participate in activities and performances that highlight the importance of education, health, and safety for children.

Mother Teresa’s feast day

Cor Jesu celebrates the feast day of Mother Teresa, a beloved Catholic saint known for her selfless service to the poor and marginalized. This day is an opportunity for students to reflect on the values of compassion and service to others, which are central to the teachings of Mother Teresa.

May Day celebration

May Day is celebrated at Cor Jesu as a day to welcome the arrival of spring and to celebrate the beauty of nature. Students participate in activities and performances that highlight the importance of protecting the environment and preserving the natural world.

Alphabet Day celebration

Alphabet Day is a special day at Cor Jesu where students celebrate the joy of learning and the importance of literacy. Students participate in activities and performances that showcase their reading and writing skills, and the school community comes together to celebrate the power of education.

International Women’s Day celebration

On March 7th and  8th , Cor Jesu celebrates International Women’s Day, a day dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women around the world. Students participate in activities and performances that highlight the achievements and contributions of women throughout history, and the school community comes together to celebrate the importance of gender equality and the teacher’s inspiration in each of our lives.